
Ragnhild Nordrum

A Healthy Happy Mom


“My cravings for binge-food are all gone.”

When I first met Marie-Claire, I was in the middle of my pregnancy. I have always been very interested in health and nutrition, but also struggled with a horrible binge problem. For the past few years I’ve been into raw food, I love how it makes me feel and I’m an ethnic vegan. Well, even though I wanted to live as a raw vegan, my disordered eating made it really hard for me. I’ve tried to get out of the starve/binge circle for years and years, but I could never make it stop.

A friend of mine introduced me to Marie-Claire, and I’m forever thankful for that. I was desperate to get my eating right, and stop binging. I knew my baby needed me to feed myself right, both during pregnancy and now while breastfeeding. And even more important, I want to be a good role model for him when he grows up.

Marie-Claire has taught me techniques to make me strong when the urge to binge comes up, she has helped me stay focused, and I have learned how I can help myself- not just with food, but with everything in life.

I’m still working with completely trusting myself, my body, hunger, everything. But with the techniques I have learned, I get closer each and every day. And I’m not afraid of myself anymore. I don’t fear to binge, and now that this fear is gone, I am so much stronger, more positive and many times as happy as I used to be. I’m also the healthiest I’ve ever been, almost all raw (I eat some steamed veggies, warm veggie soup etc. when I feel like it- maybe a couple of times a month), and my cravings for binge-food are all gone.

And all this thanks to the wonderful wonderful Marie-Claire. Her energy and kindness makes her so easy to talk with and to trust, and she has so much knowledge. I’m so grateful for having her in my life.